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Using coated synthetic diamonds to increase diamond exposure, Alpha series bits cut faster and last longer than other traditional hard rock bits. The Alpha series also contains the often imitated magnum gauge protection for increased stability and wear resistance.
Alpha Diamond Bit Series Formulas
The 02 is designed to cut soft formations and large grain medium formations with excellent bit life. The 02 is also a good choice for cutting concrete with reinforcement.
The 06ABR is a general purpose formula for cutting formations in the medium-hard range. The 06ABR also works well in formations of variable hardness.
The 07ABR is made to cut medium-hard formations. The 07ABR is a good choice for formations that have a mixture of medium-hard and soft then hard conditions. This is the most versatile of the variable condition formulas.
The 08ABR is a general purpose bit for cutting hard formations. It is also a good choice to improve drilling production of soft then hard formations.
The 09 is a free cutting formula for cutting very hard and ultra-hard formations. This is a good choice when drilling medium-hard formations with a low torque drill rig.
The 09COM is designed for higher production in fine-gained very hard formations.
The 10COM is made to cut ultra-hard fine grain formations. This is an alternative when drilling very hard formations with a low-torque rig.

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