My Drill Store: Part Lookup
Clicking on the Part Lookup main menu item will open a new window to the Boart Longyear website. Our Service and Parts Information Network (SPIN) is a database we make available to our customers to access our parts, products, and detailed information including part names, part numbers, and technical drawings. Login and browse or search the library to access part drawings, part information, and even create a list you can use to order the parts you need. If you already have a SPIN login, click Access SPIN here on the bottom of the Genuine Parts page. If you do not currently have a login, you may request registration by clicking Request access here on the bottom of the page.
Upon logging in the first time, you will be asked to change your password to one specific to you. To change your password in SPIN:
- Click Preferences located in the upper right corner of the application screen opening a new window.
- Click into field below Update Password and enter the password provided. Upon entering the temporary password, a New Password field will appear. Enter your new password and confirm the password. Click Save.
* If the Save button does not activate, click back into the second new password field, backspace once and then rekey the last character. This should activate the Save button.
- You are ready to use SPIN.