Information hub and thought leadership portal by Boart Longyear


April 26, 2019

More Core in the Box: Drillers find Longyear™ Bits Considerably More Effective

Overview Many of the most important gold sites in the world are associated with Archean… more ››

October 30, 2017 | James Burris

Longyear™ Bits Put 23% More Core in the Box

The Yilgarn Craton forms the bulk of Western Australia and is home to 30% of… more ››

September 28, 2017

Drilling As An Art Form

Complex Surface Ventilation Raise Any driller with a talent and a passion for their craft… more ››

August 29, 2017 | James Burris

Triple Threat: Stage™ 3 Diamond Bit Extends Life, Improves Productivity and Exceeds Expectations

Stage™ 3 Diamond Coring Bit Field Tested - Extend, Improve, Exceed Overview: Drill Crews Experience… more ››

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