March 25, 2019
Safety First in 2018 and Beyond
Serious case incidents hit an all-time low for Boart Longyear
The number of serious case incidents hit an all-time low for Boart Longyear in 2018 with just five lost time incidents, ending the year with a 0.10 Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR). The LTIR is calculated by multiplying the lost time incidents by 200,000 and then dividing by the total work hours.
Lost Time Injury Rate:
Lost Time Incidents x 200,000
Total Work Hours
2018 was a challenging year with new employees entering the business with generally less experience, which increased job task risk. Globally consistent hazard and risk-focused onboarding and a higher level of operational risk communication through soft-start initiatives, pre-shift information meetings, and field level risk assessments, has assisted in mitigating that risk, which can be seen in recent severity rates.
The company’s programs and simplified company field standards published in January 2018 ensured understanding of company safety expectations. Also, the full utilization of the company’s online data management system mobile app has the ability to track, trend, and identify data at-risk sites, which has helped the organization respond proactively before an injury occurs. Boart Longyear’s new lead indicator programs online saw a 93% success rate in 2018, further driving severity rates down. Over 5,000 management interactions were performed by global leadership, over 50,000 training courses were completed, and over 11,000 corrective actions were completed in the company’s online systems.
These programs have again evolved for 2019 by including the company’s first ever Critical Risk Management Program. Utilizing 10 years of taxonomy data, the organization identified six critical risks. The company will now use the mobile app for inspecting Critical Controls that must be in place to mitigate the identified risks.
Global Director of EHS and Training, Brian Maeck stated, “A lot of support for these programs have come from our operations group. Business leaders were the first ones to utilize the tools to ensure we all do our part in keeping our workforce safe. I could not be more pleased with the 2018 outcomes.”
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