Leadership executif

Boart Longyear a développé une équipe de direction composée de professionnels de haut niveau. Ce groupe mènera Boart Longyear vers la croissance et le développement futurs.

John Barbagallo

Mr. Barbagallo was appointed Executive Chairman in November 2024. Before joining Boart Longyear, Mr. Barbagallo served as Chief Executive Officer of mining equipment manufacturer CR Mining. Prior to that time, he held a number of senior leadership positions at Moly-Cop, Arrium Mining and Materials, Rio Tinto, and Xstrata.

Mr. Barbagallo holds a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering and a Master of Business Administration in International Finance from The University of Queensland.

Cary Baetz

Mr. Baetz joined Boart Longyear as Chief Financial Officer on June 17, 2024, bringing extensive financial leadership experience across a wide range of industries, including oil and gas, energy services, and manufacturing. Prior to Boart Longyear, Mr. Baetz was Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer for Berry Corporation. Before Berry, he held Chief Financial Officer roles at Seventy Seven Energy, Chesapeake Oilfield Services, Atrium Corporation, and Boots & Coots. Earlier in his career, Mr. Baetz held senior finance positions with Chaparral Steel and Texas Industries. He is a member of the Oklahoma State University Board of Regents.

Mr. Baetz holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Arkansas and a Bachelor of Finance and Accounting from Oklahoma State University.

Denis Despres

Mr. Despres was appointed the Company’s Chief Operating Officer in September 2016 and Chief Executive Officer, Drilling Services in October 2023. He began his career with Boart Longyear in 1981 and held various positions with progressive responsibility in the Company’s Drilling Services and Products divisions over the next 26 years, including as Senior VP, Drilling Services. After leaving Boart Longyear in 2007, Mr. Despres founded his own drilling business, which was acquired by Major Drilling in 2010. He served as Major’s Chief Operating Officer prior to rejoining Boart Longyear.

M. Despres a étudié en Ontario, au Canada, et a obtenu un diplôme en technologie du génie mécanique du Collège Algonquin, un baccalauréat en génie de l'Université Lakehead et une maîtrise en administration des affaires de l'Université Queen's, tous situés en Ontario, au Canada.

Annelie Lundström

Ms. Lundström was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Veracio in June 2024, joining Veracio as part of the Minalyze acquisition in September 2023. Ms. Lundström is a mining technology pioneer and was a co-founder of Minalyze in 2009. She was a finalist in the 2024 EY Entrepreneur of the Year awards in the Swedish national final.

Ms. Lundström holds a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management from Chalmers University of Technology and a master’s degree from Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship.

Giovanna Moscoso

Mme Giovanna Bee Moscoso a rejoint Boart Longyear en tant que directrice juridique le 28 février 2022, apportant une vaste expérience dans le domaine juridique et minier. Avant de rejoindre la société, Giovanna était consultante juridique dans l'industrie minière, où elle s'est concentrée sur les permis, la conformité, la diligence raisonnable et la gestion des terres. De 1994 à 2019, Giovanna a occupé des responsabilités progressives chez Barrick Gold, notamment celles d'associée, de vice-présidente et d'avocate générale adjointe, au Pérou, au Chili, en Argentine, à Salt Lake City et à Toronto. Son champ de responsabilités englobait la gestion des questions juridiques, réglementaires, de permis et contractuelles pour diverses mines dans les Amériques. Les rôles de Giovanna ont également inclus la coordination des relations gouvernementales et publiques et le développement de programmes de sensibilisation sociale et de droits humains avec les parties prenantes, y compris les communautés autochtones et les propriétaires fonciers privés.

Giovanna is an Independent Director and Chair of the Governance, Social and Environmental Committee of the Board of GT Resources Inc. Until mid-2022, she was Chairwoman of the Board of Calipuy Resources Inc. 

Giovanna est titulaire d'un doctorat en droit - JD de l'Université de Lima et d'une maîtrise en droit - LLM de l'Université Duke.

Ermanno Simonutti

Mr. Simonutti was appointed Chief Executive Officer, Drilling Products on November 27, 2023. He is a mining industry veteran with expertise in sales and marketing, product development and engineering. Before Boart Longyear, Mr. Simonutti held numerous executive positions with the Weir Group, most recently as Regional Managing Director North America – Minerals Division. Previously, he was Vice President of Global Sales – ESCO Division and Vice President of Products, Engineering and Marketing – ESCO Division. Mr. Simonutti joined Weir through the acquisition of ESCO in 2018. At ESCO, he held a variety of global senior leadership, product management, and engineering roles.

Mr. Simonutti holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Montana State University, a Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Washington, and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Antwerp’s Management School.

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